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Russian (Russia)
EMC 2023 General Registration Form
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EMC 2023 Tracks & Events
Track: Business in Society
Track: Emerging Markets, Global Challenges, and Multinational Enterprises
Track: Language and Professional Communication in Business Education
Track: Managing Human Capital for Resilience
Track: Marketing in the Era of Turbulence
Track: On Improving Effectiveness and Increasing Efficiency in the Public Sector
Track: Operations Management and Business Informatics
Track: Re-thinking Entrepreneurship in Times of Uncertainty
Track: Smart Sustainable Cities: challenges and opportunities
Track: Strategic Finance
Track: The Health Care Policy, Management, and Innovations
Track: The Latest Trends in Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnership
Doctoral Colloquium Advanced research in management in the context of emerging markets
Round tables: Business in Society: the stakeholder perspective (in Russian)
Round table: Emerging Markets, Global Challenges, and Multinational Enterprises
Round table: Marketing in the Era of Turbulence
Round table: Entrepreneurship in Russia: current trends and challenges (in Russian)
Round table: Professional Language and Communication. Training of professional business communicators
Round table: Smart Sustainable Cities: challenges and opportunities (in Russian)
Round table: The Health Care Policy, Management, and Innovations (in Russian)
Round table: The Latest Trends in Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnership (in Russian)
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I allow to include my name, affiliation and contact details into the public List of Conference Participants
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